Spring 2011
Project NEST (NEC Experiental Social Transit) was a collaboration between CMU ETC Osaka and NEC's C&C Innovation Lab in Japan to developed a futuristic simulation of a proposed vehicle we dubbed the 'Tomago'. Our responsibility was to design and implement all aspects of the simulation, including the city, vehicle concept, and scenario.
I worked as a programmer and implemented the vehicle controls as well as the object placements in the city. I also designed 'Kawaegg', the Tomago's OS character.
Inside the 'Tomago' car we designed
Renders of the Tomago's exterior appearance
Our simulation had two modes: a free play mode and a story mode where users could interact with other characters
In the story mode, the user would interact with other characters to showcase daily life using the Tomago car
Kawaegg is the OS character I designed for the Tomago. He (it?) instructs the user in how to use the Tomago controls
A render of what the intermodal station in our city looked like